What in the world is going on?...

And what's coming next?

Things are changing so fast and everyone wants to know the same thing: What in the world is going on??? They all keep telling us that everything is getting better, but it sure seems like it's getting worse!

The popular thing to make us believe is that we all showed up on this earth by accident, so let's see if that is true for starters.

From: "The Amazing Motorized Germ" by Steve DeVowe (AIG Vol. 27, #1)

Where did we come from, and what are we doing here?

   Some say that we exist because of some cosmic accident.  

   The big bang theorists claim that everything and everybody just popped into existence by accident.  First there was nothing, and then it exploded.

    Others claim that we were created, carefully designed, and each of us are unlike anyone that has ever lived before.

   Here is something to consider:  The photo on the left is a diagram of a motor that has over 30 parts.  If you had all of the parts, would you be able to put this motor together by yourself?  Maybe.  What if you didn’t have any of the pars and you had to start from scratch, do you think you could make one of these? 

   What are the chances that one of these motors could just pop out of nowhere?  Like you have an empty box and a minute later there are one of these motors in it.  Impossible.  You would ask yourself “How did it get here?”, right?

These motors are what propels the bacteria that is in our bodies, and there are 38,000,000,000,000 of these motors INSIDE OF YOU RIGHT NOW!



 Who designed it?  There are more complex things inside of you like your DNA, your immune system, and your eye balls.  That’s the micro proof of intelligent design.  





Here’s the macro proof:  Go outside on a clear night and look up.  There are 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars in the observable universe.  These numbers are almost impossible to believe, but they are true.  Intricate systems like these require intelligent design.  Any explanation other than this is simply not the truth.  Sometimes the truth is hard to believe.

Why is this time period called the 21st Century?

   What does “the 21st Century” mean?  The earth has been around for thousands of years, so why did they set our calendars to zero 2000 years ago?

   Something amazing must have happened for the world to measure time by “this happened so many years before zero, and this happened this many years after zero”.  But there have been a lot of earth shattering things happen since then, like the discovery and implementation of electricity and the light bulb, the flight of man, space exploration and man walking on the moon, but they didn’t start measuring time based on these incredible events.

   What incredible thing happened 2000 years ago?

                               Jesus Christ was born.

   That was the big deal.  His appearance is the central event of all history! To this day most of the world celebrates the birth of Jesus at Christmas time, and the crucifixion, burial, and resurrection of Jesus at Easter time.  Who is this Jesus?  In John 1:3 the Bible says “Through Him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made”. 


   Jesus is the Son of God, the Great Designer, the Creator.  2000 years ago He came to earth to tell us who He is, who we are, and what is really happening in this world.

What are the odds…?

How many years would it take you to roll dice and come up with 6’s 70 times in a row?

Take a few minutes and see for yourself!

Heaven vs hell

We are in a spriritual battle.

  Do you believe that there are good things and bad things in this world?  I mean like The Lord Of The Rings kind of good and bad things.  Good spirits and bad spirits.

   Today’s culture is lying to us and is intentionally confusing us and pulling us away from God.  But Jesus came to bring us into a relationship with God.  “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” John 3:17

What is the most reliable source of truth about this world - Nostradamus or the Bible?

 It’s the Bible. The Bible is the best selling book in the world every year because it tells us who we are and why we are here, and everyone would like to know the answers to those questions. 

Some people believe that Nostradamus foretold the future accurately.  A google search tells us “Academic sources reject the notion that Nostradamus had any genuine supernatural prophetic abilities and maintain that the associations made between world events and Nostradamus’s quatrains are the result of (sometimes deliberate) misinterpretations or mistranslations”.

Compare that with the hundreds of Bible predictions that have come true so far (the video on the left goes into detail)

   Most people have heard about the Bible but don’t know much about it.  It was written over a span of 4,000 years by over 40 people, and is 100% accurate historically and prophetically.  How is this possible?  In 3 Timothy 3:16 it says that the Bible is God breathed.  Yep, the same God that made the universe and your body spiritually inspired these 40 people to write the Bible.  This makes the Bible a reliable source of truth.  Can you find any other book that has this track record? 

 If you don’t have something to believe in that you know is true, there is no hope.  But there is hope, because this is THE source of information that has proven to be true for thousands of years.
The Bible tells us that in the last days there will be a one world government, one world religion, no privacy due to high tech surveillance, and if you don’t think the right way, you can’t buy or sell anything because they will control the world financial system and they can lock you out.  Here is an interesting article that brings ancient prophecy right into focus for today:  

Oracle Co-Founder Larry Ellison Hopes for AI-Powered Surveillance Hellscape to Keep Americans on ‘Best Behavior’


What might be about to happen?

 The Bible says that in the last days two things will increase: chaos and deception.  Chaos is everywhere and it is driven by deception. 

   There are over 300 references and prophesies about the first appearance of Jesus in the Bible and over 2000 references and prophecies in the Bible that tell us what is going to happen at the end of the age.  Are we living in what the Bible calls “the end times”?

Let’s take a look at some of the predictions that the Bible tells us about:

Over 2000 years ago the Bible said that a sign of the end times is that Israel would become a nation again, which happened in 1948.  Then Jerusalem will become the capital again, which happened in 1967.  The Bible says that in the end times there will be a world government that will control everything and track everybody and control who can buy or sell with a mark (or microchip) in the back of their hand or in their forehead (similar to the social credit system in China).  This is the first time in history that technology is available that would make this possible.  Keep in mind that this prophecy was written thousands of years ago when they didn’t even have pencils to write with.

William Binney, the former NSA Technical Director said that this world has become like the book 1984 on steroids, and this world is quickly turning into a totalitarian state.  The world controllers are planning to drastically change the entire world by 2030 where everything and everybody will be tracked and if you don’t think the right way, you won’t be able to buy or sell anything.  They will starve you into compliance.






Check out what is coming that you should be careful of:  WORLD COIN where they want you to look into their orb and have your iris scanned to be part of the world’s largest human identity and financial network.

What are we supposed to do?

   Jesus said “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  Nobody comes to the Father except through me” – John 14:6

   The Bible tells us that if you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that he was raised from the dead you will be saved.  Saved from what?  Eternal separation from God (and escape from the great tribulation).  

   The last 7 years of existence on this planet as we know it is called the tribulation (the last 3 1/2 of those years are referred to as the great tribulation).  If you are alive during this period of time, you will be in one of two places: 1), here on earth to witness hell on earth.  2), the Bible tells us that those who believe in Christ will not be on the earth to experience this terrible time, we will be with Him.

   There is a way out!  There are hundreds of verses in the Bible that talk about “The Rapture”.  It sounds unbelievable, but just before the anti Christ system is in full operation, those that believe in Christ will be taken up off the earth.  What a preposterous thing to believe!  Study the Bible for yourself, and you will find hundreds of preposterous things that have come true.  This is just one more.

   It is time NOW to make the most important investment of your life and start learning about the truth and how the truth can set you free.

Watch videos and read what brilliant people that have studied the Bible for many decades say about these things and then make your own decision!

Here are some resources that can help you with your journey to find the truth!

 The links below lead to resources that we have found to be truthful and authentic so take a look around and hopefully you will learn the truth in this confusing world.

“… the implementation of a medical martial law system presided over by unappointed, unelected, unaccountable public health authorities who now have literal control over your everyday movements, who are constructing a total surveillance grid that comes with it the prospect of not just vaccine passports but health passes generally, which will be used to restrict your ability to access public life and that you will be guilty until proven innocent of infection under this new paradigm that is being installed.”

Read more about the World Economic Forum and their Great Reset and the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” here 

Did the leader of the World Economic Forum just say that he has infiltrated governments???

Demonic activity is everywhere these days. This video shows part of the opening ceremony for CERN in Switzerland. This is a large Hadron Collider that many have said has opened a portal to another dimension. If this is just a scientific experiment, why is it surrounded by demonic beings like a statue of Shiva's cosmic dance? Shiva is one of the Hindu gods, nicknamed "The Destroyer Of Worlds". Check it out for yourself.

Here are some topics that answer frequently asked questions:     When you click one of the topics below, you will see a few videos related to that topic.

Awesome resources that will help you on your journey!

Video Series

This is an enjoyable and entertaining way to learn about the Bible from cover to cover and you can do the whole thing in just 1 hour a day for 3 weeks!

Men's Bible Study

In Proverbs 27:17, we are reminded, “As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.” Our desire is to see men grow in their personal walks with Jesus and be equipped to fulfill their God-given role in this life.

Women's Bible Study

We long to see women gath­er and con­nect with each oth­er while at the same time engage with God’s Word in a mean­ing­ful way that leaves women encour­aged and chal­lenged to grow in their rela­tion­ship with Jesus.

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